Gas Fire Extinguishing System

Gas Fire Extinguishing System

1- Co2 extinguishing system

Carbon dioxide gas is a colorless gas that does not ignite and does not help ignite. These reasons make it one of the best gases in controlling fire without any damage to the devices , as it does not leave a trace after the fire fighting process.


CO2 Fire Extinguishing System Components:

  • Carbon dioxide gas cylinders: The quantity and size of the cylinders are determined according to the argument of the room to be extinguished, by means of hydraulic calculations and according to the NFPA code.
  • Pipeline network for gas discharge: The pipe network is determined by its diameters according to the engineering design and hydraulic calculations, which determine the number of nozzles in the room according to the NFPA code.
  • Fire extinguishing panel and sensors: It is responsible for receiving the signal from the sensors and sending it to the solenoid to complete the unloading process.
    Network wires and pipes for the alarm.
  • Fire alarm siren
  • Fire alarm.
  • Manual release
  • Abort switch
  • Balance of carbon dioxide cylinders.

2- FM200

FM200 gas is a safe chemical gas for extinguishing fires, its scientific name is heptafluoropropane. It has a high ability to control fires and put them out before it swell.
The percentage of FM200 gas concentration is determined for each facility, according to the level of protection required, and it is usually between 6% and 7%, it is determined according to hydraulic calculations and engineering design.
The FM200 system is used in the rooms where people are present, therefore the engineering design is made so that its percentage does not exceed 7%.

Gas Fire Extinguishing System

FM200 fire fighting gas components

  • FM200 gas cylinder: the size of the cylinder is determined according to the need of the room to be extinguished (and there are cylinders of all sizes) using hydraulic calculations and according to the NFPA code
  • Pipeline network for gas discharge: The pipe network is determined by its diameters according to the engineering design and hydraulic calculations, which determine the number of nozzles in the room according to the NFPA code.
  • Fire extinguishing panel and sensors: It is responsible for receiving the signal from the sensors and sending it to the solenoid to complete the unloading process.
  • Network wires and pipes for the alarm.
  • Fire alarm siren
  • Fire alarm.
  • Manual release
  • Abort switch
  • Pressure release

How FM200 works :

When there is a fire, a signal is sent through the sensors in the room to the extinguishing panel, and then a signal is sent from the solenoid valve panel, so the process of emptying the gas in the room takes place, and it works to break the chain of oxidation reactions for the fire by displacing the oxygen in the air and replacing the FM200 gas in its place according to the specified ratio.

Where is the FM200 gas system placed:

The FM200 gas extinguishing system is placed in places where there are people such as control rooms – banks – museums – UPS room – storage tanks ….

3- AERSOL Fire Fighting System

Aerosol extinguishing system This system is characterized by being environmentally friendly and does not affect the people in the place and leaves no trace after unloading. The size of packages used in the system are determined by hydraulic calculations and engineering design.

AERSOL Fire Fighting components :

  • AERSOL units: There are units of different sizes and they are made of materials of a special nature, the most important of which is potassium, so that when the signal reaches it, an amount of heat is generated that operates the units, the size of the units is calculated from the engineering design and hydraulic calculations.
  • Fire extinguishing panel and sensors: It is responsible for receiving the signal from the sensors and sending it to the aersol units to complete the unloading process.
  • Network wires and pipes for the alarm.
  • Fire alarm siren
  • Fire alarm.
  • Manual release

The idea of ​​the system:

When there is a fire, a signal is sent through the sensors in the room to the extinguishing panel, and then a signal is sent from the panel to the AERSOL units, so the containers are emptied, and the potassium atoms combine with the oxygen atoms to form potassium hydroxide, which works to put out the fire.

Where is the AERSOL fire extinguishing system placed :

The system is used in electrical rooms – servers – control rooms – electrical panels and control rooms – and storage -etc….

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